SEAFDEC Fisheries Statistic Questionaires Download

For the year 2023 (click to download)

Items Questionaire Title Issued by Returned to
Notes of Completion for the Fishery Statistical Bulletin of Southeast Asia SEAFDEC
Q1 Fishery Production by Sub-Sector SEAFDEC SEAFDEC
Q2 STAT-SEAFDEC Capture Production by Species and SEAFDEC Sub-Areas FAO FAO & SEAFDEC
Q3 Producer Prices for Capture Production by Species SEAFDEC SEAFDEC
Q4 Marine Capture Production by Type of Fishing Gear and by Species SEAFDEC SEAFDEC
Q5 Inland Capture Production by Water Bodies SEAFDEC SEAFDEC
Q6 Number of Fishing Boats by Type and Tonnage SEAFDEC SEAFDEC
Q7 Number of Fishing Units by Size of Boat SEAFDEC SEAFDEC
Q8 AQ-NS 1 and 9 Forms for Reporting Statistics on Aquaculture of Fish, Crustacean, Molluscs, and Aquatic Plants (NS9) by Species, Production, Environment and Fishing Area FAO FAO
Q9 Aquaculture Production of Ornamental Fish SEAFDEC SEAFDEC
Q10 Seed Production from Aquaculture SEAFDEC SEAFDEC